tandemPV Workshop 2023

tandemPV Workshop 2023
Présenté par :Conexio PSE & Tandem PV
Date :June 6-8 2023
Durée :3 days

tandemPV Workshop 2023 

June 6th to 8th 2023


The 3rd edition of the tandemPV Workshop will take place from June 6-8, 2023, and will be hosted by CEAINES. The workshop will take place as a hybrid event at the Convention Center Le Manège, a former cavalry riding academy dating from the Sardinian era, located at the heart of the historic city of in Chambéry, France, the capital of the cultural-historical region of Savoy in the Western Alps.

We look forward to a surely productive workshop, filled with fascinating discussions and valuable opportunities for professional and personal exchange.

Scientific Committee

CEA-INES, France
CSEM, Switzerland
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Fraunhofer ISE, Germany
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
imec, Belgium
IPVF, France
ISC Konstanz, Germany
ISFH, Germany
KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
TNO, The Netherlands
University of Stuttgart, Gernany

Organizing Committee

Delfina Muñoz, CEA-INES (Chair)
Solenn Berson, CEA-INES (Co-Chair)
Daniel Tune, ISC Konstanz
Erkan Aydin, KAUST
Gianluca Coletti, TNO
Ivan Gordon, imec
Kaining Ding, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Lejo Joseph, ISC Konstanz
Lars Korte, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Michael Saliba, University of Stuttgart
Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, IPFV
Quentin Jeangros, CSEM
Sarah Kajari-Schröder, ISFH
Stefan Glunz, Fraunhofer ISE
Ulrich Paetzold, KIT

Programme de la présentation :
  • Christian Wolff (EPFL PV-LAB, Switzerland)
  • Fan Fu (EMPA, Switzerland)
  • Hairen Tan (Nanjing, China)
  • Uli Paetzold (KIT, Germany)
  • Bernd Stannowski (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany)
  • Stefaan De Wolf (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
  • Giulia Lucarelli (TNO, Netherlands)
  • Annalisa Bruno (NTU Singapore)
  • Gizem Birant (IMEC, Belgium)
  • Alessandro Martulli (University of Hasselt, Belgium)
  • Philip Schulz (IPVF, France)
  • Henk Bolink (University of Valencia, Spain)
  • Fabian Fertig (QCELLS, Germany)
  • Olle Lundberg (Evolar, Sweden)
  • Noella Lemaitre (CEA, France)
  • Lukas Brockmann (ISFH, Germany)
  • Patricia Schulze (ISE, Germany)
  • Ewan Dunlop (JRC/ESTI, Italy)
  • Weiyuan Duan (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)

… list to be completed.


The workshop program will be published in the weeks to come.

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