8:30 – W09.1.1 | IRT Nanoelec at a glance
8:40 – W09.1.2 | IRT Nanoelec: how to combine multi-partner technology and application research in innovative technical fields, while getting concrete results in the end
9:00 – W09.2.1 | 3D Technologies and Architectures for High Performance Computing
9:20 – W09.2.2 | Benefits of 3D stacking process for Event Based sensors
9:40 – W09.2.3 | CAD tool for Smart Imager
10:15 – W09.3.1 | Driving photonic implementation through automation
10:30 – W09.3.2 | Leti versatile silicon photonics platform
11:00 W09.4.1 | Why is the Industrial IoT such a complex playground for cybersecurity?
11:20 – W09.4.2 | Challenges of a PKI for industrial systems
11:40 – W09.4.3 | A scalable security offer for components for the Industrial IoT
Hughes Metras has been appointed director of the technological research institute IRT Nanoelec on September 1st, 2019. Previously, he was in charge of strategic partnerships for the US region where he established CEA Leti’s commercial office in 2011. He benefits from a technical background in Physics engineering (Ecole Centrale de Marseille) and holds an MBA from the University of Miami (Florida).