Building Renewable Energy Communities
Présenté par :J. Coignard, Lancey
Date :08 octobre à 12h00
Durée :2h15
Programme de la présentation :
12h – Introduction
Raphaël MEYER (Lancey Energy Storage)
Trevor HINCKLE (Tomorrow)
12h15 – Speakers
1. Arthur JOUANNIC (Delta-EE)
Energy communities in Europe
2. Rémi BASTIEN (Enogrid)
Building energy communities in France
3. Xavier LAMBIN (GEM
Sharing economic value within energy communities
Collective self-consumption, services provided by the DSO
5. Youssef CHRAïBI (GreenAlp)
Collective self-consumption from the perspective of GreenAlp
13h40 – Sum up and commented graphic facilitation
13h55 — Question & Answers
14h15 — End
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