Protect our oceans: the challenge of Europe's global leadership

Protect our oceans: the challenge of Europe’s global leadership
Présenté par :Aix-Marseille University
Date :16 Juin
Durée :8 heures

Aix-Marseille University and its partners invite European and international policy-makers, leading scientists, ocean governance stakeholders and experts to examine timely issues about the state of ocean science and governance and to propose potential steps forward. 

Ocean ecosystems are facing unprecedented challenges that are not yet fully understood. This knowledge is urgently needed to building a holistic understanding of ocean ecosystems and to monitoring the impact of human activities, as emphasized in the Second World Ocean Assessment (WOA II) launched in April 2021. 

The 2021 European Conference coincides with and aims to contribute to two major initiatives to strengthen the European and global ocean science community: the 2021-2030 United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and ‘Horizon Europe’, the framework-programme for research and innovation of the European Union, including its Starfish Mission for healthy oceans. 

The maritime dimension of the European Union and of its Member States entails a particular responsibility for supporting the global partnership and help enhance scientific collaboration worldwide. 

Programme de la présentation :

9h00 :  Welcome

9h05 : Opening plenary: Tackling marine ecosystem disturbance caused by climate-change by ERIC BERTON, President of Aix-Marseille University ,MARIA DA GRAÇA CARVALHO, Member of the European Parliament and RICHARD SEMPÉRÉ, Scientific Coordinator of the European Conference

9h30 : Marine Biodiversity: our Life, our Future

10h00 : Can science help prevent from further impact of climate-change on marine  ecosystems?

10h45 : Towards a digital twin of the Ocean

11h05 :  Coffee break

Intermediary sequence: Synergies between the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable  Development & the Starfish Mission of Horizon Europe 

Structuring of European and international networks to advance ocean science is a challenge. This session will discuss how can the ambitions of the 2021-2030 United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the Starfish Mission 2030 of the European Union be combined, to set a comprehensive and coordinated Research and Innovation agenda and to enhance collaboration between scientific communities across the world.

11h20 : VLADIMIR RYABININ – Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic  Commission, UNESCO / PASCAL LAMY – Chair of the Board of the Starfish Mission (Horizon Europe framework-programme for Research and Innovation) and GENEVIÈVE PONS – Director General of Europe Jacques Delors

12:05 Presentation of Aix-Marseille University Brussels Office: How it works, how to collaborate with

12h05 :  Lunch break

13h55 : Second plenary: The challenge of contaminant dispersal

14h15 : Distribution and threat to marine ecosystems of plastics and their organic additives in  the marine environment

14h45 :  Are EU science and policy agendas aligned to take a step forward for cleaning the  ocean?

15h30 :  Coffee break

16h00 : MARIA DA GRAÇA CARVALHO, Member of the European Parliament • ELISABETTA BALZI, Head of Unit “Healthy Oceans & Seas”, DG Research and  Innovation, European Commission / MONICA VERBEEK, Executive Director, Seas at Risk  and PHILIPPE DELAPORTE, Vice-President for Research of Aix-Marseille University

16h45 :  Q&A

Closing Remarks by RICHARD SEMPÉRÉ, Scientific Coordinator of the Conferenc

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