DOLPHIN: workshop 1

DOLPHIN: workshop 1
Présenté par :Expert of DOLPHIN
Date :18 Juin à 8h00
Durée :4H30
Programme de la présentation :

08:00 (CET): Connection, welcome, recommendations (Marine, Joël)

08:30: Overview of DOLPHIN:

  • objectives, structure (Joël, 20 minutes)
  • short introduction of partners (Katharina, Luis, Patrick, Mohcine, Florian, Donnchadh, Joël, 5 minutes/partner)

09:30: Progress on design and modelling (Luis)

10:00: Global technological progress for the different development paths (Joël)10h15: Break

10h30: Technological highlights: components, production technology, performance results

  • Innovative design features to improve performance (Fabrice, 10 minutes)
  • Flow-Field manufacturing by 3D printing (Jean-Philippe, 10 minutes)
  • Diffusion and protective coating (Dena, 10 minutes)
  • Graphene coated membrane to improve performance and durability (Donnchadh, 10 minutes)
  • Composite Terminal Plates (Katharina Gruber, 10 minutes)

11h30: Discussion with the audience, perspectives, conclusion (all, audience)

12h30: end of the workshop

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